CBA's Intro to Commercial Real Estate Leasing - Live Webinar for CE Credit


Event Time:

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

4 CE Hours


Here is the class you have been waiting for to fast-track your commercial leasing career. In this class you will learn how to:


  • Identify the target market for each commercial property type. 
  • Prepare and negotiate the 4 types of listing agreements and the 3 types of leasing agreements. 
  • Understand the different formulas used to charge tenants for their common area building operating expenses. 
  • Develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) when representing a tenant.

You will leave with an understanding of the issues you need to know about to grow a successful and rewarding leasing career.


Instructor: Richard Muhlebach


Richard has 50 years of experience marketing and leasing shopping centers, regional malls, office, and medical buildings in Seattle and San Francisco. He served as the vice president of three development companies and the president of a management and leasing firm he founded.


$75 for CBA Members | $90 for Non-Members


Contact CBA at 800.275.2522 or email for assistance.


What you can expect after you register:


  • Before the class, you will receive a "How to Access the Webinar" email which includes the invitation to the Zoom webinar, downloadable handouts, and links to the class evaluation form, and the affidavit.   
  • You must complete the registration process on Zoom to receive the webinar link – After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
  • Attendance and participation throughout the class are required to receive a certificate. Please arrive on time.