21 NE Old Belfair Hwy
Belfair WA 98528
Listing #: 678036 | Status: Available | Last Modified: 11/21/2024 |
- Phone:(206) 841-5091
- Email:bror@elmquist-commercial.com
- Office Name:Realogics Sotheby's International Realty
- Office Phone:(206) 842-0842
- Office Website:
- Call Listing AgentYes
- Use DiscretionYes
- Listing Date*2/26/2024 12:00:00 AM
- Last Modified Date11/21/2024 12:43:28 PM
- List Price1500000
- Selling Compensation2%
- Lease expirationN/A
- Selling ExclusionsNo
- Monthly Rent4400
- Monthly NNN/CAM500
- Equip Rent Mo0
- Type/Name of BusMosquito Fleet Winery
- Hours of Operation12:00 - 8:00
- Days Open3
- Year Established2009
- Leasable SF5200
- # of Parking Available37
- Seating Capacity50
- Living QuartersNo
- Living Quarters Descr
- Annual Gross Income1022181
- Operating Expenses808059
- Net Profit214122
- Reason for Sale
- Real PropNo
- InventoryYes
- Inventory Value$2,500,000
- Fix & EquipYes
- $122,030
- Bus Phone1
- Trade Name1
- Excl ItemsNo
- Media 3D WALK THRU
- CBA Flyer
- Building NameMosquito Fleet Winery, LLC
- CategoryFood and Beverage
- Address21 Old Belfair Hwy
Belfair, WA 98528 - CountyMason
- Vicinity
- Market Area4515-Mason County
- TB Map Grid
- Other Map Page
- Zoning
- Full Time5
- Part Time2
- Data Avail w/OffrYes
- Pft/Loss State #Yrs4
- Balance Sheet4
- Schedule C #Yrs
- YTD Oper StateYes
- All CashYes
- Min Down
- Interest
Mosquito Fleet Winery
Current demand for Mosquito Fleet’s wine club is greater than supply. *Multiple vintages of world class wine in inventory and ready to be sold. Estimated 2-3 years of on hand inventory. *History of 90 + rated wines that have been reviewed by Robert Parker and other notable press. *Winemaker/ owner is willing to stay on board for a period of time to transition the winery to the new owners. *Current inventory is over 50,000 bottles of wine with a retail value of $2,400,000 million dollars. Business selling price- $1,800,000 Mosquito Fleet Winery is searching for an enthusiastic buyer who is passionate about wine and wishes to continue the stellar reputation the owners have built amongst the followers and in the industry.