3710 Airport Way
Seattle WA 98134

3710 Airport Way Seattle WA 98134

Listing #: 673833 | Status: Available | Last Modified: 8/22/2024 |

Craig Roberts
Showing Instructions
  • Call Listing AgentYes
  • Use DiscretionYes

Drive by with discretion. All interior tours must have appointment.

Listing Information
  • Listing Date*11/10/2023 12:00:00 AM
  • Last Modified Date8/22/2024 12:01:04 AM
  • List Price350000
  • Selling Compensation2.5%
  • Lease expiration08/26/2027
  • Selling ExclusionsNo
Business Characteristics
  • Type/Name of BusPork Chop Screen Printing
  • Hours of Operation9:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Days OpenM-F
  • Year Established2010
  • Leasable SF
  • # of Parking Available9
  • Seating Capacity
  • Living QuartersNo
  • Living Quarters Descr
Operating Information
  • Annual Gross Income944777
  • Operating Expenses822433
  • Net Profit122344
  • Reason for SaleMoving
Selling Price Includes
  • Real PropNo
  • InventoryNo
  • Fix & EquipYes
  • Bus Phone1
  • Trade Name1
  • Excl ItemsNo
Associated Files
  • CBA Flyer
Building Information
  • Building NamePork Chop Screen Printing
  • CategoryRetail
  • Address3710 Airport Way
    Seattle , WA 98134
  • CountyKing
  • VicinitySouth Seattle / Georgetown
  • Market Area150-S. Seattle
  • TB Map Grid
  • Other Map Page
  • ZoningIndustrial
Special Licenses
# of Employees
  • Full Time3
  • Part Time0
  • Data Avail w/OffrYes
  • Pft/Loss State #Yrs2
  • Balance Sheet2
  • Schedule C #Yrs2
  • YTD Oper StateYes
Proposed Terms
  • All CashYes
  • Min Down
  • Interest

Pork Chop Screen Printing

Public Comments

Since 1999, Pork Chop Screen Printing has been providing top-notch printing services to our local Seattle Customers, as well as customers across the USA. Our reputation has been built on creating high-quality screen-printed items for organizations, bands, non-profits, churches, families and more (including the NFL and MLB). Pork Chop Screen Printing thrives due to several key advantages: Loyal Clientele, over two decades, we've built lasting relationships with local and national clients, including repeat customers, referrals and new clients drawn by our stellar reputation. Strategic Location: Our location near major freeways in Seattle's SODO district ensures easy access for customers and efficient operations. Quality focus: We're committed to delivering high-quality prints.

Listing Images